Welcome to the website of the Devon Rex cat breeding website – Jaga*PL
Our breeding farm was registered in 2020. We belong to the Polish Felinological Federation Felis Polonia, which is part of the Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFe), the largest global Felinological organization. Each of our cats has a five-generation pedigree proving its origin.
We have always had a love for cats, and our great love for Devon Rex cats began when the first female cat of this breed appeared in our parents’ house. She made us madly fall in love with her. Due to the fact that our whole life was connected with animals, we had breeding knowledge and we were passionate about cats, we decided not to fight our feelings and that’s how our great adventure with cats of this breed began.
Devons are a unique breed, extremely intelligent, curious and brave. Filled with love for people that cannot be reciprocated.
Our cats accompany us in everyday life, they live with us at home, sleep in bed with us, and spend a lot of time with us. Kittens grow up from an early age in a family atmosphere, i.e. with us, our children who also help us tremendously in the socialization of cat children, and our dog.
We are also very committed to taking care of the health of our cats. We perform genetic tests and clinical tests, thus monitoring the health of our cats. We take care of the health of kittens through appropriate supplementation as they grow up, as well as all necessary vaccinations and deworming.